

Elevate Workplace Wellness: Breathe Your Way to Balance

In today's high-stress corporate landscape, employees often find themselves navigating prolonged periods of exhaustion, leading to increased anxiety and a range of physical ailments. Recognizing the importance of holistic well-being, I present a solution tailored for the modern workplace.

Discover the transformative power of breathwork, a proven techniques that equips individuals with essential tools to manage stress effectively. Breathing well is not just a necessity; it's your birthright. My tailored breathwork sessions provide a unique opportunity for your team to regain balance, reduce stress, and enhance mental clarity.

The Breathing Heart offers specialized breathing workshops designed to empower your employees. Scientifically proven to reduce stress, enhance focus, and improve overall well-being, sessions are dedicated to promoting mental and physical resilience.

Why not prioritize your team's well-being with our exclusive breathwork sessions? Elevate workplace morale, enhance focus, and foster a harmonious corporate culture. Let us help you breathe new life into your workplace wellness initiatives.

BREATHWORK 1.1 sessions

Experience Profound Transformation with Conscious Connected Breathwork

Discover the extraordinary power of conscious connected breathwork, a practice that transcends the boundaries of the mind, body, and spirit. The Breathing Heart offers a unique and transformative experience.

Through gentle circular breathing, without pause between inhale and exhale, you embark on a continuous wave of self-discovery and radical transformation. This practice, lasting 60 to 90 minutes, creates a safe space where you lie down comfortably, actively engaging with your breath.

During the session, you will receive compassionate unwavering support allowing you to delve deep into your inner world without judgment or interruption. This profound holding space is the catalyst for your liberation and empowerment.


Harmonic Wellness Journeys: Embrace the Power of Sound for groups and individuals.

Immerse yourself in Yvonne’s harmonic sound therapy, where the vibrational frequencies of instruments tuned to 432 Hz take you away from all the stress of the world. Crystal singing bowls, the heart-healing therapy harp and many other instruments are gently played to guide your mind and body into a profound state of relaxation.

The heart healing therapy harp can be placed gently on your body, providing a resonant experience like no other. Its vibrations target the thymus gland, supporting your immune system, promoting balance, and enhancing overall well-being.

The transformative power of a sound journey becomes a sanctuary for individuals seeking peace. Let the sound be your guide to a place of deep serenity and soulful renewal.

I Would highly recommend YVONNE

“My session with Yvonne was life-changing! The breathwork helped me work through deep-seated fears and emotions. I firmly believe the coached active breathing catapulted a breakthrough in my journey of healing and self-improvement. Yvonne is truly gifted.”

-Wendy Kramell


Yvonne Connor
Holistic Practitioner

Yvonne's commitment to her craft goes beyond certification. She actively seeks opportunities for continual learning and growth, staying updated with the latest developments in the field of breathwork and sound facilitation. This dedication to her own personal and professional development allows her to offer the most effective and transformative experiences to her clients.